Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Besök på sprutbytet i Malmö

Regissören Jessica besöker sprutbytet i Malmö där allt en gång började. För tio år sedan mötte Jessica Monalisa för första gången.

Sussy & Anette på sprutbytet i Malmö

Poesi från Monalisa Story

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Weddig Runquist, lektor i socialt arbete vid Göteborgs universitet skriver i sin krönika i tidskriften Alkohol och Narkotika om "Den narkotikamissbrukande kvinnan". Han nämner filmen "MonaLisa Story" som en motbild till den traditionella synen på dessa kvinnor, och pekar istället på överlevnadskompetens, stolthet och integritet.
Special preview of the documentary MonaLisa Story at the Panora Cinema, in collaboration with TriArt Film and the deeply engaged Björn Fries. In the audience where important people and experts of the related topic. Thank you everyone!!!

First public screening at Gothenburg filmfestival!

What a fantastic evening!! With a colorful and mixed audience of users, doctors, politicians, homeless, professors, socialworkers & filmfestival-people. The film will have Swedish premiere on the 25th of March!

Cecilia Nordlund, Artist

Friday, February 05, 2016

From the screening in the Swedish Parliament

Some cuts (in Swedish) from the discussion after MONALISA STORY was screened in the Swedish Parliament (2016-01-26). In the panel: expert users with experience of drug addiction and homelessness. 

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Screening & debate in the Swedish Parliament

A good and strong screening of the movie MonaLisa Story at the Swedish Parliament and a important debate "how can we change and improve the conditions for people with substance abuse and their next of kin. Moderator Björn Fries, in the panel; Kathy Hansen-Palm, Bengt Palm, Christina Paulsrud och Christina Gynnå Ogz!! Thank you all participants and Hillevi Larsson who brought the film to the Parliament!!

The debate was filmed and will be possible to see on youtube soon.